Free Travel Points 101 Course ✈️


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Clear, well-informed
I’m not new to these concepts but this has become my go-to podcast to send interested friends to. Everything is laid out so clearly, with all details explained so no one gets themselves in a pickle. Also I love Katie’s calm voice! Thank you for doing this!

This might be the only travel hacking podcast you need!
I started travel hacking a few months ago. I love learning via podcast, so I started looking around for a good one to get me up and running. For the first few weeks, I was sooo frustrated with every podcast I tried. Some of them were completely unintelligible for beginners, with tons of terms being thrown around that were never explained. Others were more simple but still disorganized, and included a bunch of annoying fluff to wade through. I’m not interested in listening to an hourlong blow-by-blow of your last luxury vacation; I just want to learn how to earn my own free vacation! 
Finally I happened on Katie’s podcast, and it has been a game-changer! She is super organized and methodical in the way she presents information. She takes you from square 1 to square 10 in about 20 minutes, breaking everything down and making it seem so doable. I also love the action steps she includes at the end of each podcast. Hers is the only podcast that feels like it is built to teach, not just built to make money! 

I wish I had started travel hacking 10 years ago, but the upside to waiting so long is that I now have this great resource to guide me, and the confidence to know that I am doing it right. Thanks Katie!!

Awesome podcast!Thank you for doing this Katie!

So easy to binge!
I’ve just eaten this stuff up. I love this podcast. I’m very new in this hobby and very excited about it. So it’s nice to be able to listen to Katie explain everything in very simple terms. I love the way she teaches and helps make this thing so less overwhelming.

Best points and miles podcast
This is the best podcast on points & miles, hands down. This is my favorite podcast period, not just on points and miles category. I find myself anxiously waiting for the next episode to drop. She is a great teacher and gives so much more thorough and valuable information compared to all the other points and miles podcasts I listen to. Looking forward to the next episode!

This might be the best points and miles podcast for the beginner
I came across this podcast very recently and for me that’s year two of being in this hobby. Even though it’s considered a beginner podcast I just decided to listen to every episode. I don’t even know how to explain to you how great this podcast is. Even for someone like me who has spent the better part of the last two years, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, and following all the top peopleon Instagram. If you are a beginner, stop listening to any other podcast that has back-and-forth banter about who booked what trip and things like that. I don’t mean to stop forever but stop for now and listen to all 20 episodes. Take notes if you need to because this, is my friends, is seriously the best learning experience. The way that she explains everything it’s like I’m back in kindergarten learning my numbers. It really assumes you know nothing. But what I like best about this podcast is her plan and how to not make mistakes as a beginner. As someone who made a few mistakes in the beginning, I only wish I had found this podcast sooner.

THIS is the points and miles podcast you need!
A few months ago I decided to start learning about travel hacking and utilizing points and miles. For years I had been a loyal Southwest Airlines customer, putting all of my credit card spending on my 1 Southwest card. I listened to a few other points/miles podcasts but could not relate to their types of travel (all business class, to exotic locations seemingly every week, etc). Somehow I found my way to Katie’s Travel Tricks (her podcast, social media, and website) and was hooked!! Her free, detailed course was exactly what I needed, step by step, to understand the details of travel hacking enough to feel confident dipping my toe in. And the types of travel she talks about are the types of travel I am after — travel for “normal people”! Thanks, Katie and team, for keepin’ it real and giving me the confidence to get started in points and miles!

I am learning so much!!
Being brand new to this points world, every episode is packed with so much helpful information, I feel like I continuously have these light bulb moments listening to Katie. Just opened my first Sapphire card and I can’t wait til season 2!

Step-by-step, easy to apply guidance
This pod is a great way to learn how to start taking advantage of points so that a family can experience the world together. I love this podcast, Katie’s blog and Instagram. It is practical, concise, easy to digest and apply. We’ll done!

Love Katie
I love all of Katie’s content. I’ve followed her on her other socials for a long time. I’m not a big podcast person, but I just listened to my first of Katie’s. I love how she explains things, is easy to understand, and is easy to listen to. Will be listening to her other episodes next!

Love this podcast!
Such a great podcast! It makes traveling on points seem in reach for everyone! Thanks, Katie!

Very helpful!
Thanks for all the great information!

Perfect fundamentals!
Even though I’m a seasoned points and miles player, I have really enjoyed listening to this podcast because of the way Katie lays everything out so clearly. There are so many details to keep straight and Katie has put together this beautiful resource for whenever things get a little confusing. Thank you for this, and all of your other resources Katie!

Simple. Empowering!!!
Katie shares her wisdom in a no-frills, clear, and positive way. I am SO EXCITED to travel hack!!!

This is it!
I love Katie and her podcast. Her information here and in her (free!!!) course is so easy to follow. Ine of the best!!!

Great information!
I wish I found this podcast sooner! I’ve been a part of the points and miles “game” for a few years now but she has given me so much valuable information that I didn’t know before! I am so excited to listen to the next episodes and see what else I can learn! Thank you!

Thanks for Easy Listening and Relatable Content
I’m new to the podcast and not new, but not any good at earning points! I love the concept of the seasons to really dive in. I hope there will be many more after this one! Thanks a million (points) from all the normal listeners.

Chance to travel without breaking a bank
thank you Katie for starting this podcast. I have been following you on Instagram, I can relate to your travel lifestyle as a family of 5, your points redemption makes sense for me. Thank you for making it simple for us beginner, this give us chance to experience to travel with points especially if your doing it for the family of 4 or more.

A travel podcast for the rest of us!
I am not a road warrior, and I don’t have high spend, but I do love to travel! This podcast fills a niche that I have been hoping someone would fill. It’s a podcast for people like me who want to play the points and miles game, but not at the level of the other podcasts. Thanks so much for starting this!

Finally 👋🏼
Yay, finally something that dives into the details with action steps. Thanks Katie and team for giving me step by steps

Binge Worthy
Season one is so helpful that I had to binge listen to it over two days. Looking forward to more episodes.

Katie is the BEST
Katie’s resources are often my very first go-to when I have a question along my points and miles journey. She has very straight-forward explanations, and always makes things easy to understand. And her resources are FREE. Loving this podcast so far, thanks for all you do!!

Newly found Podcast
I’ve been doing this for about 9 months but just recently found this podcast. I’ve actually learned so much more now. It’s broken down where I can understand it . I’m so beyond thankful for this! I’m excited to follow and keep learning.

Finally I get it
After years of following other accounts on social media and even having friends try to explain the travel/hotel points system, Katie has done it. She’s so clear and tells you exactly what to do. She’s also so comforting like “you can do it.” I cannot recommend this podcast enough.

Entertaining and informative
Such a great podcast. I’ve listened to a lot in the points and miles space and this is a keeper for sure. Katie broke it down in a very approachable way, and I learned a bunch of new things that I hadn’t before even though I’ve been in the hobby for a few years. Highly recommend the podcast to anyone that’s just starting out or wants to fine tune their knowledge. Binged the whole season in one day.

So helpful
The most recent episode about the shopping benefits with the Sapphire Preferred was so helpful! I had seen these benefits listed in my account but I didn’t fully understand what they meant and how they can be used. This was such a simple and quick overview that will have a big impact with how we spend on our cards. Would love future episodes like this featuring other popular cards! Thank you!

Favorite new podcast
This is the only podcast I listen to as SOON as it comes out. Katie is a natural teacher—it’s easy to imagine her homeschooling and she can teach me about this all day! My favorite thing about her is that she is so clear and organized--and although I’ve followed her accounts for a while, having it all in ‘lecture’ format so that she can explain different banking rules is SO helpful. If you’re strapped on cash but love to travel you cannot miss this… I’ve told so many family and friends about it already.

Start with this if you’re new to travel points
So I’m new to travel points and have been “studying” and trying to figure out where and how to start with this new found hobby. There is a ton of information online, but Katie’s podcast is THE best and easiest to understand. She walks you though everything from the beginning. I am so grateful I stumbled onto her podcast. I keep refreshing the episode list hoping to see a new one! Haha! With her advice I feel a lot more confident jumping into this space. I also recently got her free course (from her website)- and I’m really exited to dig into that. Thanks Katie!

Love the action steps!
If you are starting out with points travel and you want super clear directions on how it all works Katie’s podcast is what you need! She lays it all out step by step and even includes action steps for you between episodes. Katie’s Instagram got me started in points several years ago and we’ve gotten some amazing travel since then. I love Katie’s commitment to making her content available to everyone!

Easy and helpful listen!
Really appreciate your knowledge! From someone that is just learning how to maximize their points, I am so happy I found your IG! Were a family of 4 going through the expensive daycare payments so this gives me hope that travel is possible me!