Free Travel Points 101 Course ✈️


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Great Podcast for Those New to Points & Miles
I have been learning about travel rewards for just over a year and really wish I had access to this information in this format when I first started! Katie lays out the basics and strategies in such a listener friendly way!

Great Information!
I’ve followed her Instagram and blog for a while now and I’m so excited she’s started a podcast! It has great information that is really helpful for those who are just now really getting into the points game, like me! I loved that her Instagram is family oriented because that’s what I relate to the most and I love that her podcast is general information and tips, rather than just trips.

Great points travel podcast!
As someone who is relatively new to points and miles travel, I am trying to learn as much as I can from various podcasts. This one is exactly what I’ve been looking for: relatable, strategic, and detailed. The friendly and honest approach to points and miles is refreshing. I can’t wait to hear the rest of what she has to offer.

Katie makes it so easy to understand!
I love Katie’s approach to travel hacking and how it encompasses her whole family. As a family of 5, we greatly appreciate the breakdowns of earning points and redeeming them. Thank you so much for making this easier to understand and actually pull off😊

Helpful & Relatable
Enjoying Katie’s podcast even as an intermediate points and miles enthusiast. There is always something new to learn, like the credit card offer history list. Great job and thank you, Katie!

So awesome!
Such great, easy to follow information and instructions to get traveling!!

Helpful information to maximize points
The 2nd podcast in this series clearly explains the best approach to maximize point earnings. We are trained to use 1-2 credit cards- Katie explains opening a new card every 3 months that offers a bonus offering is an easy way to bump your points earning. Proper planning is very important- excited to learn how she handles high annual fees or if she bothers with those cards. Great tips!

Best travel tricks for regular people!
I’ve been following Katie for a long time in IG, and Im so glad she’s making a podcast! She’s down n to earth, give realistic tricks for families, beginners and people who aren’t full time travel influencers. Just us normal people who want to travel hack easily and quickly and not feel bad about using points for economy class!

Katie is a wealth of knowledge and wants to make travel available for the normal person. Using what she’s taught me I’ve been able to take my family of four on BUCKET LIST vacations for fractions on the dollar! Thank you and I can’t wait to learn more! -Carrie @travelhackfamvacay